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Sultana Coin Bill: Contacting Your Representatives

Great News! Senator John Boozman and Congressman Rick Crawford on March 22 filed identical bills in the Senate and the House of Representatives in honor of the Sultana disaster. If this bill becomes law, commemorative coins will be designed and sold by the U.S Mint this year, 2027, recognizing the Sultana. A surcharge on each coin will be given to the Sultana Disaster Museum!


But here is our challenge: commemorative coin bills require super-majority number of cosponsors. In the House, that means 290 members have to agree to cosponsor the bill before it will be considered. We all must contact our House Members and Senators and ask that they become cosponsors! But fear not! Technology makes it easy to leave a brief polite message.


First, here is a link to the House members office phones. You can do it by last name or by state.

And for the Senate, call 202-224-3121, and ask for your senator’s office. Be sure and call both senators!


A very polite person will answer the phone. All you have to do is leave a message with your name and address (so they will know you live in that state and district). And ask that they sponsor the Sultana commemorative coin bill.


For the senators: S. 4059

For the House: H.R. 7801

That’s it! But if you are feeling really motivated, feel free to call all the House members in your state.

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104 Washington Street, Marion, AR 72364

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